Critique Evening with Danny Byrne

We were lucky to have Danny Byrne to offer advice on our work. He is a vastly experienced professional artist who has had work exhibited in many galleries.

There was excellent turn out, which produced a dazzling array of artworks. Danny kept up a brisk pace, offering thoughtful, constructive advice for every item.

Points included:

  • In general, when working on a landscape, warm, strong colours need to be placed in the foreground, with paler, colder colours in the background. Avoid using the same colour in the foreground and the background as this confuses the eye.

  • Check that shadows and reflections work with the position of the light source. (Check that everything that should have a shadow/reflection does!)

  • When using a photo reference of an animal, check that it gives you a clear description of the anatomy.

  • Manage the colour, composition and brushstroke direction to move the eye through the painting.

Danny was supportive, positive and enthusiastic about all of the artwork he.discussed. A thoroughly enjoyable, informative evening!


Plein Air: Linford Bottom


Great RAS Plein Air Day